Code of Ethics

The fundamental purpose of the SAAA Code of Ethics is to assist the SAAA members in making consistent choices when faced with ethical dilemmas and to set out ethical principles and standards, that are in-line with the International Olympic Council’s (IOC) ideals and therefore applicable throughout the Muaythai community and the sport governed by SAAA and other Muay Thai , Muay Lao, Kun Khmer or Martial Arts Organizations.  The SAAA members herein undertake at all material times to respect and to ensure compliance of the following principles:

Fairness: Operating within the spirit of the rules, never taking an unfair advantage and making informed and honorable decisions at all times.

Respect: Recognizing the contribution which all people make to the sport, treating them with dignity and consideration, as well as caring for the property and equipment they use.  Respect is for all irrespective of age, sex, religion or race.

Responsibility: Taking responsibility for one’s actions and being a positive role model at all times.

Safety: Encouraging healthy and safe procedures, preventing and reporting dangerous behavior, while demonstrating concern for others.

Integrity: A set of principles derived from honesty, fairness and consistent respectability of good character.

Equality: Practicing fairness and applying social justice to all situations and decision making processes. Ensuring that all individuals are respected, have equal opportunities and have their rights protected.

Transparency: This is a fundamental principle of any form of modern governance.  To ensure that any and/or all transactions, events, decisions and practices are fully transparent so as to ensure fairness and equity.

Accountability: This principle encourages responsible decision making and ensures sound decisions.  SAAA members can play a vital role in such decisions and hence accountability is an important precept.